Bend, OR – According to the city officials, in 2022, the City Council approved a concept plan for the Stevens Road Tract, providing the vision for the development of the Tract.
In 2023, the Council approved an amendment of the Bend Urban Growth Boundary to include the Stevens Road Tract.
This year, the amendments adopted by council will help guide a future developer to develop a master plan in a way that does not just build housing, but to build it in a way so that the area is walkable, mixed-use, and well-connected.
Adopting the amendments are the last actions the City must take for the Stevens Road Tract before the Department of State Lands, which currently owns the Stevens Road Tract, can offer the property on the market to a buyer.
The City will then work with that buyer to ensure their master plan for the Stevens Road Tract satisfies the new plan policies, master plan code, and has all the required infrastructure.
These amendments will ensure a future master plan for a complete mixed-use community, with housing, businesses, schools, parks and trails.
At least 20 acres of land will be dedicated for deed-restricted affordable housing, which has the potential to translate up to 759 affordable units.