Bend, OR – According to the city officials, this project aims to enhance safety and infrastructure on Greenwood Avenue, benefiting pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers. Additionally, the project includes replacing an aging waterline on Second Street, addressing critical infrastructure needs.
Multiple design options were considered, with input from stakeholders including pedestrians, bicyclists, drivers, ADA accessibility experts, and emergency services. The final quick-build design for Greenwood Avenue between Wall Street and Second Street will feature:
- Painted curb extensions and new protected crosswalks with a median island, reducing pedestrian crashes by 31%.
- Buffered bike lanes, reducing bicycle crashes by 47%.
- Reduction of travel lanes for cars to one in each direction with a dedicated left turn lane, reducing crashes by 29%.
- Accessible ADA parking spaces.
- Safer, wider, buffered parking on the south side of Greenwood Avenue.
- New crosswalks to access parking on side streets.
Construction on Greenwood Avenue is scheduled to begin on July 29 and continue through August 14.
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