The Asante Employee RV Park is providing shelter for those displaced by the Almeda and Obenchain Fires.
Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center spokesperson Lauren Van Sickle says about 80 employees lost their homes after the fires.
“By opening the RV park, it gave them a space that they can go where it was safe and kind of on their own again,” Van Sickle said.
There’s room for about 32 RV’s at the park. Van Sickle says about 20 Asante employees are currently staying there.
Asante purchased slightly used RV’s for those who need them.
Van Sickle says the park is finished, but it still needs landscaping work. The area will also get a privacy fence.
The park will be on Barnett Road and Golf View Drive until March 2023.
Any leftover RV’s purchased by Asante will be sold back to the dealer.