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Medford Police K-9 team partnered with the CNCA to safely train and certify K-9’s and handling officers in fentanyl detection

Medford, OR – According to the police officials, MPD K-9 Nacho and K-9 Max completed the certification process becoming the first two police service dogs in the state to be certified by a police K-9 association to detect fentanyl.

“This innovative effort was led by K-9 Officer Havice. It’s thanks to his diligent work and extensive research that we were able to connect with CNCA and complete this impactful K-9 training,” said Lieutenant Mark Cromwell.

Medford Area Drug and Gang Enforcement (MADGE) has seen an extreme increase in powdered fentanyl which poses a significant risk of exposure to Officers and K-9’s. Safety measures are in place for all responders and service dogs which includes having Narcan on hand to deploy if necessary.

K-9 Max has already been deployed and successfully detected fentanyl – which led to the seizure of more than 6 ounces of powdered fentanyl. 

The recent certification of K-9 Nacho and K-9 Max will help in our efforts to save lives and limit the amount of fentanyl in our community. 

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