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Eugene City presented the 2023-2025 Proposed Biennial Budget for the City of Eugene to the Eugene Budget Committee

Eugene, OR – According to the city officials, the proposed budget, $1.5 billion total, includes strategies to reduce a $15 million General Fund budget gap and shifts $5 million towards urgent community needs. 

The City has set a budget course correction by shifting to a Priority Based Budget approach and a biennial budget process.

This combination provides a longer-term planning horizon, making more time to be strategic with investments while responding to Council and community priorities.

This shift also allows the City to better evaluate where its investing tax-payer dollars, encourages more creative conversations about services, and helps identify the critical programs that meet community and organizational goals.  

The Budget Committee is a standing committee that reviews the proposed operating and capital budget each fiscal year and makes a recommendation on the budget to the City Council for final Adoption. 

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