Oregon – Finally, some good news! The local Zoo opened on Saturday for the first time since the end of November and people were excited to visit the animals once again. While some areas are still off-limits, most people were just happy to get outdoors for the day.
“We were pretty excited about it,” said Stephanie Derkatch, who was visiting. “I got an email and knew it would fill up right away, so we got them right away. The kids were stoked. They haven’t been here in a very long time.”
“It really helps support the care of the animals,” said Bob Lee, General Curator for the Oregon Zoo. “We still need a lot of other support from our friends and family out there, but bringing people back through the gates, letting them experience that connection through nature that you get here at the Oregon Zoo is a great first step.”
Moving forward, the zoo will be open Friday through Sunday with a limited capacity. Face masks are required for anyone five years old and up, and there is a one-way path guests must follow once inside. Tickets are for specified dates and times and can be purchased online up to ten days in advance.
In the meantime, ZooLights is open every night through January 10th.