COVID-19 has claimed 18 more lives, raising the state death toll to 953, as of Wednesday.
An update from the Oregon Health Authority reported 1,244 new confirmed and presumptive cases of COVID-19, raising the state case total to 78,160. The new cases include:
*282 in Multnomah County
*184 in Washington County
*128 in Clackamas County
*122 in Marion County
*69 in Lane County
*65 in Jackson County
*61 in Umatilla County
*30 in Deschutes County
*29 in Linn County
*28 each in Benton and Yamhill counties
*26 each in Malheur and Polk counties
*19 in Lincoln County
*16 each in Klamath and Hood River counties
*13 in Columbia County
*12 each in Douglas, Jefferson and Union counties
*11 in Josephine County
*10 in Coos County
*7 each in Morrow and Tillamook counties
*5 each in Baker and Lake counties
*4 each in Crook and Wasco counties
*3 in Curry County
*2 in Harney County
*1 each in Grant, Wallowa and Wheeler counties
The new deaths ranged in age from 59 to 98. 4 lived in Lane County. 2 lived in Jackson County. 1 each lived in Marion, Douglas, Malheur, Hood River, Umatilla, Clackamas, Washington, Josephine, Columbia, Multnomah, and Klamath counties. 1 person’s county of residence is being determined.
OHA said the number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients across Oregon dropped to 549, which is 28 fewer than on Tuesday. There are 105 COVID-19 patients in intensive care unit beds which is 6 fewer than on Tuesday.