Medford, OR – According to the officials, this partnership will reportedly provide dedicated security in elementary schools and complement school resource officers, who are primarily housed in middle and high schools.
MSD plans to have three Marshals this spring that will rotate schools and increase the number each year, with the goal of covering each elementary school.
Here’s some information about the program:
- Marshals are recently retired law enforcement officers who are armed but do not wear uniforms.
- Part of the effectiveness of the program is that they blend into the school community and can respond quickly to a variety of security incidents.
- They will have a home school, but they will also rotate hours and locations daily.
- MSD will phase them in until we have one-to-one coverage for all elementary schools.
- They will be trained in security assessments, serve as certified ALICE instructors, and be a great resource for staff to leverage for space specific concerns and training.
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