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Redmond Airport Moves Forward with Long-Delayed Rental Car Facility

Redmond, Ore. — The Redmond Municipal Airport is set to move forward with its long-awaited plans to build a new rental car facility, a project that had been delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. On Tuesday, the Redmond City Council approved a $516,000 contract with an engineering firm to redesign the facility and conduct a new traffic impact report.

The facility, once completed, will allow rental cars to be quickly cleaned, refueled, and returned, improving the efficiency of car rentals for travelers. This development is expected to streamline the rental process, reducing wait times and increasing convenience for airport visitors.

The original plans for the facility were put on hold as the pandemic caused disruptions in both construction schedules and demand for travel. However, with travel numbers rising once again, the city is eager to move forward with the project to support the growing number of passengers passing through the airport.

The engineering firm awarded the contract will now oversee the final design of the facility, ensuring that it meets the necessary traffic and safety standards before construction begins. The new traffic impact report will be crucial in understanding the potential effects the facility will have on airport operations and surrounding areas.

Once completed, the rental car facility is expected to enhance the overall experience for travelers and improve the efficiency of operations at Redmond Airport, positioning it for future growth and increased passenger traffic.

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