Local News

Teen Snowmobiler Airlifted to Hospital After Colliding with Tree near Elk Lake

Bend, Ore. — A 14-year-old girl from Lake Oswego was airlifted to St. Charles Medical Center in Bend on Saturday afternoon after a snowmobile accident near Elk Lake Loop. The crash occurred shortly before 4 p.m. when the teen, who was snowmobiling off-trail, collided with a tree.

According to the Deschutes County Search & Rescue Foundation, nine volunteers were dispatched to the scene to assist. The remote location of the crash required rescuers to clear a spot on a nearby trail to allow for the landing of an AirLink helicopter. Paramedics and nurses who arrived first on the scene stabilized the teen, who had briefly lost consciousness.

Due to the rough terrain, the girl was transported over a mile by a specialized “Snowbulance” — a vehicle equipped to navigate snowy conditions — to reach the helicopter. After nearly three hours at the crash site, the injured teen was airlifted and flown to the medical center in Bend.

At this time, no further information regarding the teen’s condition has been made available. The incident serves as a reminder of the potential dangers of off-trail snowmobiling, especially in remote areas with limited access for emergency services.

Authorities have not yet released additional details regarding the cause of the crash. The Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office and Search & Rescue teams continue to investigate.

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